For most of the day I was marbling paper for studio practice (and getting very frustrated when the masking tape tore the paper or the paint leaked onto the wrong part of the page) but at lunch time I was told we were watching Tangled so obviously I brought my work downstairs and worked in the living room with Alice, Amy and Courtney. I bought 10 plain canvas bags from Amazon for like £6.30 and I'm planning on embroidering and tie-dyeing them and giving them as gifts.
My biggest achievement of the day (and possibly my week) is that I learnt how to do a front drop at trapolineing today! I'm so proud of myself, I have never done one before! My elbows are killing me but WORTH IT! haha I think I am a bit too excited about this..
Rory called before bed and we had a conversation before I got too tired to carry on and we said goodnight.
(Also this is officially my new fave photo of Amy ever.)