Monday, 13 April 2015


Today's post is a bedroom appreciation photo. I forget when I am away how much I love my room at 47 Uplands and all the memories and lovely things I have collected over the years, each carefully given a home. This is my zen space. If a room could describe me, this would be it.

Mum gave me a lift back to Leeds and we arrived at about 3 after having a very relaxed morning and a very chatty car ride. It was sad to say goodbye but we will keep in contact and I will be seeing her in a few weeks. Amy and Courtney are here so I have company, not that I took advantage of that as I spent the day unpacking and then trying, unsuccessfully, to get some work done. Tomorrow I am going to start the first of many full days at uni at the studio and in the PC cluster trying to keep on top of all my upcoming deadlines.

(also mum pointed out yesterday how much more 'bloggy' my blog is becoming as I have gone from the few lines of description under each image to a paragraph or more! I hope I wont be disappointing you over the next few days as I wont really be doing much!)

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