Monday, 13 July 2015


This morning was really difficult and full of cuddles. Kidd and Jess were also in Leeds and I planned on taking them on a good night out. We met them in the comic book shop at 2 in the afternoon and because Rory's train home wasn't until after 6 so the four of us had a few hours together. The first stop was the Trinity Kitchen for a lunch and we then headed to a bar near the station. 

Saying goodbye was really awful and I was very grateful for Kidd and Jess. If I had been alone I would have been a mess.  

We headed back to mine where I wasted no time showing off the house and giving them the tour. I cooked some rice for tea and we had some drinks before quickly getting ready and heading to the first bar. 

I can confidently say I showed them a good time. We began at the Belgrave, then MOJO then on to Call Lane. We got free shots at Jake's Bar (because I had a dance with the bartender) and made a couple of drunk friends in Smokestack. We ended the night in Call Lane Social and walked home as the sun came up, eating McDonalds chips as we walked.

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