Thursday, 23 July 2015


I had an appointment at the uni with dyslexia support and I now finally feel ok about all the arrangements I need to make. I get really bad anxiety about wired things like telephone calls and emails and the idea of sorting out anything important or official but its so important that I get all the support available for my final year of uni.

After the meeting I walked into the city to pick up some gig tickets for me and Rory and get some food in.

When I came home I chilled out and decided to make a book. Me and Courtney sat downstairs and watched some TV. We played movie bingo, where you write down some things you think are going to happen in the film and cross them off if they do. We did a small 6x6 grid for a shit film called 'Zombie Sharks' and a film called something along the lines of 'I Still Forever Will Always Know What You Did Last Summer'. Amy joined us when she got home from work. We all ate popcorn and it was lovely.

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