Friday, 19 February 2016


Sinead came round to my house in the morning to proof read my work and made loads of really useful notes and comments. She also brought huge chocolate muffins from Costa so it was ok. We went into the studio together so Sinead could have her dissertation meeting. Then, to make sure I was feeling better she invited me out to join her and Nay shopping in town which ended up in KFC. They very kindly bought me my meal (which was only the second KFC I have ever really had) and I can confirm that food is the best comfort when submerged in sadness haha

I went back into uni before I went home so I could print off my dissertation at a size 16 font so that when I ggot home I could cut it all up and rearrange it all. This was very successful and I treated myself to a glass of wine and listened to Disney songs. It was all ok even though I was sad. 

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