Tuesday, 30 June 2015

(Me standing on a nipple)


After a pretty chilled out morning mum and I decided to take a trip out. We went to Northumberlandia, a landscape which has been sculpted to look like a large female form. Although it can only really be appreciated from above, it was lovely and certain features were very recognisable. We climbed up to the head, walked up a boob each and had a bit down on her hip. We must have spent about an hour and a half there all together and had a lovely walk. We then drove to the big ice cream parlour in Blyth where I ordered a frozen yoghurt and mum got some grapefruit sorbet and we ate them on the grass by the sea front.

Once I got home I called Rory and asked if he would like to go out somewhere for tea. We went to Foxhunters and as usual I got scampi and he got a burger. We eventually got over the argument and ended up having a nice evening. I went back to his and we played some xbox and sat in bed watching Drawn Together.  

Mum picked me up and we watched an episode of Six Feet Under before bed. 


Me and mum drove to Leeds (AGAIN) to move all of the communal things out of the house. We hired a storage container and spent hours just packing and unpacking the car. By the end of the day we were both completely shattered so we got fish and chips for tea and watched a bit of Six Feet Under before bed. I sewed a bag and mum knitted and it was cute. 


Ruby’s mum kindly gave me a lift home from Jess and Ellie’s house this morning. I got changed and made myself something to eat before cycling over to Emily’s to collect the stuff I had left at prinks. I ended up staying for ages and we nattered and watched tv.

When I got home again I finally got round to sorting out all the bags of my stuff that are lying around the house. I packed the stuff which is going straight back to Leeds and put away all the things I will be using over the summer months.

I had a bath and mum cooked some lovely veggie meat balls which we had got from IKEA and we watched Six Feel Under together before bed. I was on the laptop as we watched and Courtney seemed pretty stressed about moving house over Facebook so I tried to reassure her. Because my phone had lost charge last night and I had not charged it I had not got any of her messages throughout the day. Mum and I made plans to go to Leeds tomorrow instead of Tuesday to make sure everything would be sorted. 


Because Rory had insisted in sleeping over our argument continued until the next day which gave me a really shitty start to the day. Because I was in such a terrible mood I did nothing all day which would have been ok if I didn't have so much shit to do!

At 4ish I got my act together and started to get ready for Emily’s birthday night out. I went round to hers for 6ish for prinks and pizza. Emily had invited Jemma, Sarah, Ruby (Ruby’s friend Cathy) and myself and once we finally got to town we met up with Jess, Ellie, Sam boy and a couple of Jemma’s friends.

Although we got split up after a few bars the night went really well. Once we lost people, I ended up in Madame Koos with Ruby, Cathy, Jess and Ellie. I had never been before and I really liked it, the music was a bit all-over-the-place but the place had good vibes.

Stupidly, I had worn massive heels. I often wear heels out with Emily but usually its just Bay so it’s ok. I had not felt pain until I wore those shoes to town. I staggered to Jess and Ellie’s house where I spent the night.

Tonight was fun and defiantly made up for yesterday and this morning. 

26. 06.15

I slept until 11 and got off to a slow start but have managed to sort out a lot of things. I did my laundry, tidied my room, hoovered upstairs and went food shopping. Rory is spending the night at mine and I offered to make him a veggie fried rice which he seemed pretty eager for. I always get super nervous about cooking for Rory because I am a vegetarian cook and he is a total carnivore.
Rory was late. I don’t even know why I am surprised any more. The main reason I was annoyed was that I had already started cooking (which he was aware of) so the food probably wasn't its best and I was also grumpy because I couldn't serve myself because he was bringing the soy sauce which is one of the main ingredients.

We had an argument and the night was awful. 


Me and Mum drove to Leeds to pack up the last few things from my room. I feel bad that as soon as I get home for summer the only thing I ask her to do is drive me around. She says she doesn't mind and is only asking for £20 petrol money but I think once I get paid for Spain I will give her more.
Last night at the party I finally saw Emma again! I also met her uni friend who I got on well with. I was invited to Thursbay (which is also Book Return Bay for the school kids) so I thought it was about time I hit the bay again.

Met up with Rory, Austin, Ben and Richard (who was going to work later that night) at Firestation which was a nice crowd. Then Hannah and Sophie Harman joined us unexpected which was actually really lush, despite Rory’s initial bitching.

Once we left for Havana we started seeing the usual Bay faces, like Alan and Matty. We also hung out a bit with Laurie (Emma’s brother) which was nice. Havana was fun as usual, we didn't pay much attention to Parade and then obviously we got skittles in 42. For the first time in my life, and kind of impulsively, I went to DEEP. I have never wanted to go, purely because I resent having to pay £5 to get into anywhere in the Bay but I had an amazing time. I had a few goes on the pole too!
Rory, who had work the next morning and was only planning on going to Firestation and Havana, walked me home. I am going to take a moment here to thank Rory for paying me back the £7 he owed me and buying me drinks when I couldn't find my purse today (and so went out with no money) and also for the pizza he bought to share on the walk home.

 The night was amazing: GOOD HUSTLE TEAM. 


Me and mum went to IKEA today because I needed to get some form of storage before I moved into the new house on the first of the month. We went early and got breakfast there. It was so cheap and so good. We spent ages wandering round and I spent over £100 on stuff I don’t really need. Most of what I bought is justifiable because I am starting to buy peoples birthday presents now. 

I have decided that I will give my girlies 21 presents for each of their 21st birthdays. I am really excited and its going to be really cute. IKEA is a good place to get elements of home-made and crafty gifts as you can buy things like jars really cheaply. Mum is really good at gift ideas and we had fun coming up with ideas.

Mum bought a unit for the caravan so we needed to drop that off before we could go home. By the time we were finally homeward bound I was so done and beginning to get stressed as I needed to meet up with Rory and go to the party in town. Rory suggested a few days ago that we go for Mexican food before hand as a (kinda)date but because we were running late we invited Courtney along. It was nice to hang out and the food was delicious as always.  

I think I have successfully got a tan because everyone seemed to notice. Even though I'm really awkward when receiving compliments I was really happy people mentioned it. The party was good, it was nice to see people. The only complaint I can make is there was no music! Music is defiantly rule number 1 of parties and without it its just kind of a gathering. The party kind of ended abruptly when a dick policeman knocked on the door with a noise complaint and used a load of scare tactics which scared Ellie so she told everyone to leave. I was going to sleep over with Courtney but we didn't feel welcome so we got a taxi back to the coast with David and Ruby. I understand and I don't hold a grudge against the girls or anything but the party ended on such a bad note and its kinda annoying. 

Friday, 26 June 2015


Woke up at 7 to make sure we had collected all our things and finished the last bits of packing, have breakfast, get to the airport and catch our 11:55 flight. Val drove us to the airport and we got there with plenty of time. It’s always hard to say goodbye to Granddad but I think it was harder this time because we have stayed for much longer than the last few years.

When we went through security Jim had forgotten to take his wallet out of his pocket and so was patted down and my bag was chosen for a random check so that was quite eventful. Our flight was delayed by 20 minutes so we just chilled in a café for a while before heading to the gate. I went to the duty free and purchased a big bottle of Captain Morgan for about £9. Love a good bargain!

The flight was ok, I watched Adventure Time on my iPod for the majority of the journey.

Mum was waiting for us at arrivals and we told her all about our holiday during the journey back. It was cloudy and a bit chilly when we first landed but by the time we got home the sun was shining. I sat in the garden for a while before unpacking a bit and showing mum all the presents I bought for people and the clothes I got from the charity shop.

Rory came round after work and we had a really nice earning together. We just talked and watched Drawn Together and drew and were all cuddly and soppy and gross. I felt like we spent some amazing quality time together. I hope this is a good sign for the rest of the summer. Tonight made up for the upset of a few days ago and has filled me with a bit more confidence in this long distance thing. It’s still hard but when I feel as happy in the relationship as I 


Our last day here in Spain was spent on the beach, a relaxing end to a fab holiday. Jim and I were alone for the most part as Grandad went to the hospital to collect his friend. I sat reading my book, staying in the shade to avoid getting sunburn on the last day (which is something that would defiantly happen to me!). Jim had a lovely swim for about an hour before I called him back in for lunch. He sat with me in the shade for the rest of the day, very content people watching. I sometimes think people watching must be fascinating and bewildering for Jim who sees things in a totally unique way.

After tea we went for a walk alone the promenade and got some ice cream. The past two weeks have been so good I don’t want to leave! I am defiantly going to miss the sunshine. I am however really excited to see every one again and spend time with mum. 

Sunday, 21 June 2015


As a last chance to see as much of Spain as possible before we leave on Tuesday we went on a boat ride. The journey from Belamadna to Fengarola takes an hour by boat and the weather was perfect for it. The sea was calm and the journey was smooth.

Once we arrived we walked around and stopped at a café for drinks. We then wandered about and Val took us to a desert shop. Jim and I had already got ice cream on the way (I cherry and he chocolate) so we didn't have any food but I joined in a pot of tea with Granddad and Val. We then caught the bus back and spent the rest of the day relaxing.

We watched Wallace and Gromit again (its kinda our thing) and enjoyed some quality time together. Although I can’t wait to get back and see everyone again I don’t want to leave!  


We journeyed to the lakes today and they were spectacular! We took blankets and food and spent hours sitting by the water just chilling. Although it was fairly busy with people swimming a sunbathing but it was still very tranquil. I drew, sunbathed and began my second book oof the holiday (having finished To Kill a Mockingbird). Its called ‘The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August’ even though I am only a few chapters in I am already enjoying it very much.

This was the sort of place I could imagine sitting and chilling with the girlies. We would swim, listen to music bathe in the heat and explore. I fantasised about the picnics Ellie would make for us and how Ruby would drive us all around it until we found the perfect secluded spot.

Before leaving we went for a walk and drove to the top of a mountain to enjoy as much of the scenery we could before heading off. It was so wonderful I would happily live there (if there were any houses...). We stopped at a village on the way for some drinks before our long journey home. The café/restaurant was lush, it was really homely, and obviously a family owned and run type of place. It could easily have been a home and some of the décor looked like an old Spanish Grandmothers lifetime collection of bric-a-brac.   

When we got home we cleaned up a bit and went out for food. We were absolutely shattered and went to bed as soon as we got home. 


Today was another lazy day. We walked into town so I could go to the charity shop again to buy a skirt I decided to leave behind last time. Although its only been a week it might as well have been a year in charity shop time. I was so sure the skirt was going to be gone but luckily it was still there! I am still uncertain about it but I made the purchase anyway (along with a cute backpack). We met up with Val after she finished work at the shop and we had some lunch in a café recommended to Granddad. We then came home and chilled out for the rest of the night. 


Today was another beach day, consisting of sunbathing, sleeping and swimming. Me and Jim were in the water for ages which was lovely and warm. Unfortunately it seems I did not put enough sun cream on my legs which are now completely burnt. I could probably cope if it was the front of my legs but no, it’s the back meaning I cant sit down. Never mind I'll live.

I Skyped with Rory for a good two hours and I feel much better about life now. Just got to keep working through life and make time, as we have been doing. 


As I write this I think I might pass out! Today has been so busy! We (Jim, Granddad, Val and myself) went on a coach trip to Seville to see the cathedral and explore the city. The day did not get off to the best start when we woke up at 6am and got to the pick-up point in good time and the coach was half an hour late. We thought we had been forgotten or left behind!

The journey was very long and I slept through most of it. I even struggled to wake up once we had arrived. I realised quickly you would need a good week to fully explore and appreciate the city of Seville and all it has to offer. It is beautiful and has a very rich history. We were driven past the various pavilions of the Americas and were dropped off in the Spanish Pavilion which was absolutely draw dropping. The Photo above does not do it any justice!

We were then rushed away to walk through the old Jewish quarter on our way to the cathedral. As with many Spanish cathedrals, this structure was once a mosque which was converted into a place of Christian worship after the crusade. I feel like I have explored Spain in chronological order by accident: First the Alhambra palace complex in Granada, where all the Islamic rulers of Spain would reside when in control of Spain. I then visited Cordoba to specifically visit the breath-taking mosque-turned-church which was converted shortly after Christian take over. And today I visited the medieval Cathedral of Seville. This particular cathedral is the third largest in Europe after Rome and London. To be totally honest we would have preferred to go straight to the cathedral look around and then have free time to explore but the packed scheduled didn't really allow for this and we all felt a bit like cattle being hurriedly herded around the city. So we pissed off and did our own thing totally abandoning the group to have more fun!

We headed straight for the river and had a nice relaxing boat ride. In my opinion boats are one of the best ways to see a city. We had a late lunch on the boat and for the first time all day we felt like we were going at out own speed again.

Jim was very eager to go up the tower known as the ‘golden tower’ which is also a museum. We went up to the very top and I was very impressed when he also wanted to look around the museum. We then retreated to a café and waited to get back on the coach.

Although it doesn't sound tiring, the early morning, the crowds and the heat combined made the smallest action a huge effort and by the time we got in we were all ready to pass out. Grandad made me a simple tea of his incredible tomatoes on toast and I watched a Napoleon documentary before bed. 


Today was another beach day. The sea was not as inviting as list time but the sun was glorious and the beach had fewer people so it was still nice. Jim decided he was not going to swim today and spent the day sitting in the shade looking at all the boats and people in the water.

When we got back we relaxed. Me and Jim sorted out our own tea and Granddad went to the hospital to visit his friend in intensive care. I could tell Granddad was distracted all day and felt a bit better when Granddad got home and told me his friend was now in high dependency (a more stable condition than intensive care).

While granddad was out I went on a walk with Jim to find one particular staircase off the promenade which has arches of flowers that remind us of a level of Spiro 1. Jim had been looking forward to it and I thought tonight was a good a night as any. We left during the early dusk and I got some good footage of Jim for the film he is making.

When I got home I called Rory. I got upset because I assumed I would be seeing him the weekend I got back (aka the first weekend I will be home) but he is going to Christoph’s Dad’s wedding. I cant help but be annoyed and upset. We aren't going to spend any time together this summer due to a combination of his working and my dissertation prep. Realising how little I am going to see him over the next 12 months is heart-breaking and I cried. I cried because I'm scared of 3rd year and how disconnected I might become, of becoming overwhelmed and stressed and of loosing important relationships as a result such as Rory. When together I remember why is to worth it, but the fact of the matter is we are never together. We are only going to be seeing each other a few occasions this calendar year. For the first time I feel like I am in a real long distance relationship because we might as well be in different countries from each other. 


Being Jim’s carer is the primary reason I am here in Spain, however I allowed myself one day off to go to an art gallery. I am a fan of the Picasso museum as it is but when I heard Louise Bouqure was being exhibited I simply couldn't resist.

We planned to take a boat to Malaga but there was a problem with the boat so we took the bus instead. It was a little less exciting but did the job. Once in the city we headed straight for the museum and left Jim in the Café, as he prefers coffee to art. I was soon split up from Granddad and Val, which was not a problem as I like to go round galleries alone. Galleries are a place of quiet contemplation for me in the same way a spiritual location would be for a religious individual. Its like meditation.

The exhibition was fab! I was thoroughly impressed and it was amazing to see works I have read about, seen pictures of and studied.

We then went to lunch and headed home. The rest of the evening was spent relaxing. Jim kept to his room and I popped down to the marina to do some shopping. I am planning on stocking up on peoples birthday presents and managed to pick up some cute goodies but also got some treats for myself including a mother of pearl necklaces and some bracelets.

Granddad took Val home and came back very late because one of their good friends has had heart surgery this afternoon and is intensive care. He seemed upset but I didn't really know what to do. I hope a cuddle and an ‘I love you’ was enough. 


The weather this morning could not make up its mind if it wanted to be cloudy or sunny but I insisted we went for a picnic in the park whatever the weather. Even when it’s cloudy here it’s bloody hot! And I have noticed I still need to pile on the sun cream because even when covered by clouds the sun is still scorching!

We left at midday and met Val there. I chose a good spot in the middle of the park, away from the surrounding roads and far enough away from the play park that we were somewhat isolated. We lay down out blankets and towels and chilled. Jim ate, Val read, I drew and Granddad slept. Granddad was sceptical about the weather but I had faith the sun would come out, and I was right! Me and Jim wandered around the park for most of the day. I let him lead as he had already had a little explore after he had eaten when I just wanted to sunbathe a bit. We enjoyed the greenery and wildlife of the park which included a cactus garden, a bamboo garden, ducks, chickens, doves, peacocks, turtles, goats, lizards and various bugs.

When we got home we chilled and the 4 of us ate tea. I love Granddad’s cooking. We planned to watch the final Wallace and Gromit on the DVD ‘A Matter of Loaf and Death’ but had some unexpected visitors. Granddad’s friends (who I met very briefly before) came over and I Joined Granddad and Val sitting with them on the terrace for a while. 


Jim decided that today was going to be his relaxing day, not truly understanding the concept of every day of a holiday being a relaxing day! We had a lie in and cooked our own breakfast as granddad went out for the morning, returning at lunchtime. I sat reading ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ on the balcony for most of the day trying to get a tan and enjoying the weather. The morning was cloudy with a bit of a breeze but by midday the sun burnt hot.

After lunch, when the sun shine no longer reached the terrace, I sat down with Jim and Grandad to watch the family favourite Wallace and Gromit. After ‘A Grand Day Out’, ‘The Wrong Trousers’ and ‘A Close Shave’ we headed to a restaurant, calling on Val on the way. I got the swordfish and it was lush! We ended up staying late when we were unexpectedly joined by Val and Granddad’s friends.

I Called Rory when I got in and I updated him on what I had been up to and he told me all about the party he went to back home. We have to limit our calls to half an hour because it’s so expensive to call but that just means we only talk about the important stuff and there is always stuff to talk about next time.


Every time Jim comes to Spain he looks forward to going up the mountain in the cable cart and climbing to the top peak. We had a lie in and then headed to the Charity shop that Val works at which is on the way to the mountain so I could hunt for some bargains. I got some lush pieces including some shirts and nice high wasted shorts. Granddad waited for us at the bottom as me and Jim went up the mountain. After two hours we headed back down.

We met back up with Granddad and Val at a Café where we had a big lunch. We got ice cream on the way home and chilled out for the rest of the day. 


I have never been to Gibraltar but Richard has always expressed his love for it. Granddad was pretty eager to take me and so we got up at 6am to go on a coach trip. I slept most of the journey, which meant I missed driving through the lovely mountainous Spanish countryside however I woke just in time to see us approaching Gibraltar which was an acceptable trade. As you approach the boarder
It was very strange going through the boarder – it was like I had come all the way to Spain Just to go back to Britain again!

One through the border we changed over from the coach onto a mini bus which drove us all around the town as the driver gave us bits of information about the history and culture of Gibraltar. We then drove up the mountain so we could look over the town and enter one of the caves. Me and Jim love a good cave, and this one was spectacular, however it all felt a bit too much like a tourist gimmick. It was lit with changing multi-coloured lights and music was playing, giving the the same vibe as a bar or nightclub! I can understand why this would seem like a good idea but the whole thing seemed to take away from the natural beauty of the rock formations.

After leaving the cave we had a chance to see the monkeys! The monkeys are quite important in Gibraltar as it is said that when the monkeys leave so will the British. I think it is safe to say the British will still be around for a while as the monkeys seemed very much at home! I got some grate photos and I loved watching the animals going about there own business and wandering about as well as when they caused mischief with tourists. Highlight: watching two monkeys fighting on top of a bus over an anonymous hat.

We were dropped off at the bottom and had bout three hours to wander about. It was so odd to see pound signs everywhere and shops like TopShop and Morrisons. We ate our packed lunches and headed to a café for tea and cake. Granddad then popped to the supermarket to get some foodstuffs you cant get in Spain (like decent cheese!) while I went back to the pick up point with Jim and Val.
We were back home by 6pm and once again I slept for most of the journey. Getting through customs took ages and I think that is what pushed my tiredness over the edge. When we got home we relaxed until bed time and got an early night. Not doing much tomorrow so no need for an early start. 


Beach day! We headed to the beach shortly after half 10 and spent hours there, reading, sleeping, swimming and relaxing for hours. The water was lovely, calm, clear and warm. There was a lot of marine life around, including some quite sizeable fish and some pesky jellyfish. Jim and granddad got stung and although there skin turned red neither of them seemed to mind too much.

I am desperate for a tan. I am usually pale and proud but I would like to have some proof that I was in Southern Spain for 14 days other than a bunch of photographs. I covered every inch of my skin in sun cream and lay in the sun all day, reapplying whenever I got a bit nervous. There have been too many times in my short life I have injured myself on my quest for a tan, one of the negatives of being so fair. Once I got huge blisters all over my back and it was the most uncomfortable sensation of my life (including the time I had impetigo!). Well the fairness of my skin has struck again and I am now bright red. My face legit looks like a tomato and I have a nose like Rudolph. I am hoping and praying that this turns into a cute sun kissed glow rather than an angry peeling mass of dead skin. Cross your fingers for me! 


Mum woke us up at 4am to catch our flight to Spain at 7:10. Mum cooked us a fried egg sandwich each before we got in the taxi to the airport. I was planning on tacking some dissertation reading with me to Spain and ordered some books off Amazon but because they did not arrive in time I went to the WHSmiths in the airport and purchased my own copy of ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ and another book called ‘The First Fifteen Lives of Henry August’ as well as a design magazine and a magazine filled with short stories which looked intriguing. We boarded the flight no problem and I slept for more than half the journey and read for the rest. The flight was on time and we got into Spain in good time. Granddad and Val met us at the airport which was nice as Val, unlike granddad, had a car and saved us the train journey back to granddads apartment. When we got we ate lunch and decided to relax for the rest of the day, agreeing that the real holiday began tomorrow. We ate lunch, unpacked and then I went to sleep for a couple of hours.

The weather was a little cloudy meaning the sun was not scorching and the heat was bearable. After my nap we headed to Granddad's favourite Chinese restaurant. I am so happy to be here 


I had to wake up at 7 this morning because Rory needed to go to work. Luckily Rory is really sweet and super cute and brought me a cup of tea and breakfast in bed. I struggled to get up but Rory got away on time so it’s all OK. I walked home and probably should have gone back to bed but because I hadn't unpacked all my stuff I felt stressed and decided to unpack. I spent the whole day unpacking from Leeds and repacking for Spain. Rory came round after work which was lush. I feel like just as we are reunited I go away again. I can’t wait to spend whole weekends together (and hopefully some time in Leeds and Edinburgh). Because I have been so tired I haven’t been very good company today and was a bit all over the place and making myself flustered and stressed. I was really quite mean to Rory this evening and I am worried I ruined the night a bit. He was really nice about it and reassured me that although I was being horrible he could understand because I was extremely overtired and I was not ruining anything. A Rory hug can solve anything, although I don’t like to admit it. Rory left at about half 10 so I could get an early night, ready for the incredibly early start me and Jim have tomorrow! 


I woke up weirdly early today. I sat in bed drawing and watching Cinema Sins on YouTube, trying to avoid the ridiculous amount of packing I had to do. I said goodbye to Courtney and Henry who were off to play in a concert and then sat downstairs with Ariana for a while, talking about how amazing and magical the ball was (and various other more random things.)

When mum came to collect me we faced facts and decided there was no way I was going to fit everything in the car. We loaded the car and I said farewell to 18 Hartley Grove. It was sad saying goodbye to Ariana, she is a nice girl and a good flatmate. It’s weird to think about how I may never see her again. If I am ever in Italy I will be giving her a ring!

I was only home for 45 minuets as mum kindly gave me a lift to Rory’s house so I could spend the night with him. Rory is so amazing, he had cooked tea, bought me flowers (red roses) and poured me a big glass of Captain Morgan and coke. It was so incredible to see him again! We talked and chilled out for most of the night simply enjoying each other’s company and played some COD Zombies before heading to bed.


Thursday, 11 June 2015


I was up early today for my final hospital appointment. Because the taxies have been consistently late I called for one really early and it was at my door in 20 minutes. I was really early for my appointment but I got seen to straight away and was out the door by 9:20 (the actual time of my appointment). The patch test only reinforced what I already knew: my skin sucks and it hates me. I am allergic to the chemicals used in the production of latex and rubber. Products which contain these chemicals include; shoes, paint, swimwear, glue, tiers and a variety of other unavoidable objects and substances. Wonderful.

At about midday I headed into town with Amy who needed to post her trampolineing coach booklet and pick up some bits and bobs for Parklife before going into work at 3. I wanted to get some appropriate shoes for Leeds Ball tomorrow but wasn't sure what was going to fit the bill so Amy offered to help. We met up with her work mate also named Amy and we sorted out her post and then headed into the shopping part of Leeds. I ended up buying some flat red platform sandals from Primark and a thin belt of the same colour to jazz up by black off-the-shoulder dress. Amy also kindly offered me any of her nail polishes – an offer which always stands but it was still nice of her to make sure I knew.

Amy and Amy set off to work and I headed home. Courtney was in work all day and had been texting me so I used my new found freedom to visit her. I sat at the bar for ages, ordering Courtney concoctions and chatting. After a while we were joined by Courtney’s friend Henry who was visiting (and who I didn't really meet properly yesterday as I fell asleep so ridiculously early!). He is really nice and has lived in England before when he studied at Cambridge so it was nice to talk about his understanding of British culture. I am fascinated by the outside perspective as it is something I will never be able to see or truly understand, even if I was to leave the UK.

When we went home we continued to drink and planned on going out. I could have just got ready and gone but I was in desperate need of a shower (having been unable to during my allergy test) and I took too long to get ready so that didn't happen. To be honest it was probably all for the best as my day drinking caught up with me with a vengeance and bed was probably the best place for me. 


The best part about hosting parties is walking downstairs the morning after to find a disgruntled mass of bodies on the sofas and most of the floor space. After a somewhat slow start, in which everyone discussed the antics of the night before and put back the pieces of their lives, we created a plan of action. Obviously this plan revolved around food, and I suggested the Libertine’s the £6 pizza, chips, drink deal.

I said goodbye to the people getting the bus back as they had to leave early and didn't fancy coming out for food. The pizzas were delicious and just what the doctor ordered. With our new found energy we headed into town and briefly explored the city centre, popping into the corn exchange, city market and one of the arcades (the one with OK Comics in it). Kidd in particular seemed excited to be in Leeds and I hope this means he will come to visit again, especially if he has another friend who lives here who he can hand out with at the same time. Ruby started to feel the late night and we headed back to the house so she could drive home before becoming totally exhausted.

After saying goodbye to everyone I wandered upstairs to relax and maybe watch a movie but instead fell asleep. I slept from 6pm to 6am the next day, clearly my body and mind needed to recharge before I begin with the usual summer madness.  


Today was a long, eventful and mostly fun day. I was up at 6am again to get to my hospital appointment and my patches have been removed to reveal all sorts of allergic reactions. Rashes, swelling, blisters, discolouration, scabs, peeling – my back has it all! The nurse who removed them was really nice and made many sympathetic oohs and ouches. I haven’t been told what I am allergic to yet but I have brought it a sample of the balloons which gave the initial allergic reaction and they have added a patch of it to my arm. The nice nurse made small talk and when I told her I was leaving the hospital to go to an exam she asked the doctor if she could put some cream on some of my wounds to stop them from irritating me in my exam. I was very grateful and touched at her kindness. 

My exam went as well as could have been expected. That doesn't mean it went badly but I'm not convinced it went that well either. Even with my extra time for dyslexia I have no idea how anyone could have completed that exam to the best of their abilities. Excluding the extra 6 minuets I had we had half an hour to answer 4 very broad questions. I am unsure how they expected us to produce essay answers in this time which consisted of more than 3 paragraphs but I also don’t understand anything else behind this modal.

I got home, called mum and poured myself a pint of cider and black. Ruby, David, Elle, Kidd and Jess arrived a little earlier than I expected and I was so happy to see them. The moment I saw them it felt like it was summer and I was free! The unloaded the car and we chilled for a bit. The others had got the mega bus down and were going to meet us at the first bar.

I quickly got ready and just as I did Laura, Elys and Elys’ flatmate Tom arrived. We caught the bus to Woodies, the first bar on the list. Everyone looked FABULOUS. We were true Otley runners in our efforts and I was happily surprised to see people who do not normally dress up put in the effort (looking at you Jacob!). I was so happy and very flattered people would make the effort and come to this event.

Our night continued and we proceeded to drink ungodly amounts of alcohol. By the time we got to Dry Dock (the last bar) the weak had been divided from the strong. Alice (who was drunk and hilarious) took most people home while I continued into town with Courtney, David, Ben, Jess and Tom. We ended our night in Smokestack and headed home.

Tonight was a big success and I am happy to have started my summer with a bang! 


I have given up. I sat in the living room watching How I Met Your Mother with Amy and Courtney trying to get something done. Whatever happens tomorrow happens. I can only hope for good questions and a small miracle. I don’t think I even care any more I just want to pass. There is no point stressing but I still am. I'm concentrating on the other more interesting things going on tomorrow like my patch test in the morning and the Otley run in the afternoon. Can’t wait to see everyone and I can’t wait to be free. The idea this time tomorrow I will be free is almost unbelievable. 


How I managed to get up at 6am every day of my school life is beyond me. I struggled to get up but when I finally did I showered (as I will be unable to do so over the next 5 days) and got ready for my hospital appointment. I booked a taxi but it took ages and I was a little late to my appointment.
The doctor called my name and asked me some questions before sending me back into the waiting room. While I was waiting I sat on the floor of the waiting room using one of the coffee tables as a desk and attempted to get some revision done. After about 20-30 minutes a nurse called me into another part of the department and I got about 108 patches of various different substances.  

When I got in I was going to revise, it was still early and I could have made a full day out of it, but instead I binged a load of You Tube and finished the embroidery I began last night.

None of the patches are particularly itchy but it’s quite uncomfortable and my movement is very limited. The tape is already coming off in some places and tickles me as it brushes against my skin. The nurse seemed to think there was a scratch mark in the middle of my back (which I cant for the life of me see!) and so couldn't put anything there, resulting on patches being placed on my lower back. I cant twist my body at all without fear of the tape coming away – as you can see in today's photograph. I'm going to have to sleep completely still If I want these to stay on! 


Finally got round to doing some proper revision. I am dreading this exam. The management of this modual has been disgraceful and I know my entire year feels let down by our school. After becoming utterly depressed at the thought of how much I am unsure of about this exam (like what the topics are, how the questions will be phrased and the depth of revision required for each topic) I was cheered up by watching Rent. It was nice to have the whole gang back together for a white as I sat with Amy, Amy, Alice and Courtney in the living room. I'm not sure if we will ever be like that again as Alice is off to Rotterdam as Amy comes back from Budapest, Courtney is moving to Exeter and I will only be in Leeds for one more year! Very bitter-sweet.